Nothing beats walking out of the the salon with freshly styled hair and a color that you love! It’s always fun to try something new that matches your complexion or coordinates with the different seasons. The not so fun part is the damage that can be caused by hair color. Be very careful when choosing your hair color and always make sure to use professional products!

Product Prep
Do you use color safe shampoo and conditioner? When using these products did you know it can make your color last longer? If you plan to color your hair, make sure to consult with your stylist about the products you should be using. Color safe will keep your color longer, and keep your hair shiny and soft!
Does your shampoo say sulfate free, parabon free, and alcohol free? Most shampoos have alcohol and sulfates, and these chemicals are very harsh on your hair and can strip the color right out! They can also make your hair split and feel dull. Most organic shampoos and conditioners do not have these ingredient in them, thank goodness! Our hair is made of keratin, and when you strip the keratin out it makes the hair weak and brittle. If you want to get the most out of your color, you need to use the right products!

Purple Shampoo
Are you a girl that likes the ashy blonde? If you have any blonde in your hair THIS IS A MUST HAVE PRODUCT. It will save you from having to go to the salon to get toned every few weeks. The purple pigment in purple shampoo counteracts the yellow, brassy tones you might see in your blonde. This product can be harsh on your hair if you use every day, so I recommend using it every couple of days, depending on your hair color. Consult with your stylist for the best practices for your color!

How often are you shampooing?
Did you know washing your hair is breaking bonds? Our hair PH is 4.5-5.5, and water is neutral (7). Having your natural oils will help coat your cuticle and make your hair become shinier and softer. It is okay to skip a couple days so that your natural oils come out, but after so many days it becomes unhealthy for your hair and skin. Most professional products recommend 2-3 times a week. Less washing will also help your color from being stripped out or faded! If you already have issues with your hair being dry or brittle, this will help it to soften naturally. I recommend washing every few days to clean your scalp and keep your pores unclogged.

When’s the last time you had a haircut?
Trimming your hair should be done every 12 weeks for anyone trying to have long, healthy hair. If you are trying to maintain a cut, every 5-6 weeks is recommended. When trimming your ends, you are getting rid of damage and split ends. If you do not get your hair trimmed regularly, your hair can split up the shaft and cause more damage. Getting regular trims helps your hair grow longer, and look thicker!

Masks and Deep Conditioning
Is this an important routine for you? Did you know most masks you can leave on while shaving your legs? Whether or not your hair is damaged, this should be an important weekly practice. Products like this will help your hair grow, have shine and become soft and undamaged. I do not recommend the at-home DIY hair mask! I would read up on your end-goal results and try to achieve them! Always, ALWAYS remember to look at the ingredients! Some masks have keratin in them, and too much can have the opposite desired effect!

Healthy Habits
Always remember to take your vitamins! Drink LOTS of water, and eat healthy foods. Healthy routines make for healthy hair!

The sun can hurt my hair?!
Being in the sun can naturally lighten your hair, but it can also break down your hair’s bonds. It can also fade your color! If you plan to be in the hot sun, wear a hat and put some dry oil in your hair to coat the cuticle. Remember: Never go in the sun with hairspray, especially at the beach!

What is your iron set on?
If at all possible, try to avoid using heat as much as possible, and at least 1-2 times a week. Wear your hair naturally, or do a style without the need of heat. The hotter the iron, the more damage it does to your hair! Before using a blow dryer, flat iron, or curling iron, ALWAYS REMEMBER THE HEAR PROTECTANT!

Keep Away From Chlorine
If you are a blonde, try not to go under water! The hard chlorine chemicals can dry out and damage your hair. Besides just drying out your hair, you can get chlorine build up that can result into green hair. (It is SO hard to get out!) Always wet your hair first, and put conditioner in your hair before hitting the pool. It isn’t 100% effective, but will help keep the chlorine out!

Rinse With Cold Water
I know this is the least favorite part of everyone’s shower but it makes your color last so much longer! Doing this also makes your hair shinier and less frizzy. This can help hold your color, especially if you are a red head!

Thank you for reading my tips for the care of colored hair! Our hair is one of the most important features, and we always want it looking nice and healthy. The best thing you can wear is your hair! Remember quality products are essential to a good color!

Come pay me a visit at the salon for exceptional service with quality products that will have your hair looking flawless!